Trump Hates America, the Military, the Wounded, and Especially You

My blood is boiling.  Read the extraordinary interview given by former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, to Jeffery Goldberg of the Atlantic Monthly.  Milley talks about his mounting fears that Trump represented a growing clear and present danger to the nation during his time as president.  It also points out Trump’s distain for wounded military personnel. 

General Milley invited Army Captain Luis Avila, a veteran of five combat tours in Afghanistan, to sing God Bless America at an Armed Forces welcoming ceremony.  Avila lost a leg in an IED attack in 2011.  He subsequently suffered two strokes, two heart attacks, and brain damage as the result of his injuries. 

After Avila sang, Trump asked Milley within earshot of others, “Why do you bring people like that here?  No one wants to see that, the wounded.”

I’m asking myself how can anyone with a shred of empathy see Trump as a possible candidate for office—not dog catcher, much less POTUS.

I have visited many military hospitals.  I’ve seen first hand the unimaginably horrible wounds suffered by our military men and women in service of our country.  They have reaped the consequences of war voluntarily because they saw their service as their duty.

For this despicable pretender—a coward who avoided military service with a phony claim of a “bone spur”—to refer to wounded veterans as “these people” spits in the face of our most sacred traditions.  Trump’s disparaging remarks about John McCain’s service because he was a POW, and his unprecedented reversal of a military court’s conviction of a Navy Seal for the murder of a prisoner of war, speak volumes about Trump’s unfitness to be Commander in Chief, and his utter lack of character.

Some of you reading these pages may still believe that Trump is qualified to be POTUS.  We’ve had example after example of his ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, inability to tell the truth, contempt for the Constitution, and treasonous disloyalty to our country.  If you like Trump, you’d better check your own soul to make sure it hasn’t shriveled and died.

4 thoughts on “Trump Hates America, the Military, the Wounded, and Especially You

  1. Hahaha, yo.. you’re up there in age, spend what little time you have left surrounding yourself with loved ones. Leave the politics to the people that know what’s going on.

  2. Too bad most of Hollywood is brainwashed with TDS. Under Trump, look at the economy, with fair housing prices, gas was under $2 a gallon, jobs were plentiful, and the border was secure. Biden ruined all of this.


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