Don’t Be Dumb, Americans!

Listened to James Carville’s podcast this weekend where he told a story—which he swears is true—that demonstrates Trump’s breathtaking stupidity. We all remember Trump asking why not drop a nuclear bomb on a hurricane to neutralize it; and why not drink bleach to kill the Covid virus. Listen: ranchers along the Rio Grande complained that the border wall prevented cattle from getting to the river for water, and could holes large enough for the cattle to walk thru be cut in the wall. “No, no!” said Trump. Put up ladders so the cow could get to the other side.” Remember some Americans are actually dumb enough to vote for a candidate this stupid. Does that send chills up your spine?

5 thoughts on “Don’t Be Dumb, Americans!

  1. The Idiocracy is looming. American intelligence has been on the decline for many decades. Steve Allen wrote a book about in the 1970s called “Dumbth” with hundreds of anecdotes about personal observations of stupidity in action in his day to day travels and interactions with the unwashed masses. We’ve been on a steady slide since before then.

  2. So, L Roberson, just to be clear, you’re advocating first degree extrajudicial murder of other Americans. OK, got it. I presume that means you are wholeheartedly in favor of another Civil War, like the alt-right has been asking for.


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